Cracked Brick Wall

10 Mistakes Rookie Contractors Make (Part 2 of 4)

contractor mistakes

10 Mistakes Rookie Contractors Make: Part 2

Today we continue to explore common mistakes that Rookie Contractors make in their first year. In our last post we looked at rookies who lack vision and fail to provide accountability. Today we will discuss credit lines, hiring character guys, and clients who seek to rob you blind. Here are three more mistakes Rookie should avoid.


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Lost Car Title? How To Get An Alabama Bonded Title


bonded title

You’ve gotten a new vehicle, or at least it’s new to you. However, you don’t have the official certificate of title paperwork for that vehicle. You may also have had a vehicle for a long time, only to discover that you do not have paperwork. If this sounds like you, you might be eligible for an Alabama Bonded Title.
Short on time? Check out our Bonded Title FAQ page.
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Buying A Car With No Title – What You Should Know

buying a car with no title

Disclaimer: This will not be an easy process! If you can work with the seller to find a title or if the seller can get a new one issued DO THAT FIRST.

If you are determined to purchase a vehicle without a title (or if you have already purchased a vehicle and did not receive the title) then here are some steps to take to make sure your vehicle is legally ready for the road:

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What Is The Difference Between A Trust and A Will?



If you are looking into planning your estate, you have probably seen there are a few options available and that they sometimes get confusing. Two such options are wills and trusts, they serve a very similar purpose, but go about it in different ways. It’s best to gather all the information you can so that you can choose the right option for you and your loved ones. Knowing the difference between a trust and a will could make a huge impact on your estate planning.

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How To Get A Surety Bond In Oklahoma

how to get an oklahoma surety bond

If you live in Oklahoma and you manage projects that require a great deal of financial responsibility, you may need to get an Oklahoma surety bond. An Oklahoma surety bond reassures your clients that you and your company have a history of responsible  management. They also insure your clients in the case of unscrupulous or unethical decisions.

In Oklahoma, many professionals need to get an Oklahoma surety bond before they can get licensed. These individuals include car dealers, mortgage brokers, construction workers, and notary publics.

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7 Stitcher Podcasts Any Insurance Agent Will Benefit From

Insurance Agent



I like podcasts.

Always have.

I am an auditory learner so the idea of a podcast has always held a certain appeal to me. I am a regular audio-book listener and fond of what Brent Kelly calls “Automobile University.” I learn on my 30-minute commute coming and going to work, and sometimes while doing the dishes or home-improvement projects.

But for the longest time I rarely listened to podcasts.

And this can be traced back to one central reason.

iTunes made me work too hard to keep podcasts updated in my phone.

In other words, iTunes made me hard too hard to get the goodies. (there is another post on buyer’s friction in there somewhere)

I don’t know about you, but I am not the best at syncing my iTunes with my phone. I don’t enjoy the ongoing maintenance of downloading the latest podcasts. It’s too much work requiring too much planning ahead. So I rarely listened to podcasts.

Then along came a Stitcher.


Why Stitcher is Awesome

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