7 MUST WATCH TED Talks For Local Agents & Small Business Owners

insurance agents

7 MUST WATCH TED Talks for Local Agents & Small Business Owners

If you’re a successful Local Agent or Small Business Owner you are a life-learner. You are always on the lookout for helpful inputs that sharpen your sword as you build your business. YouTube and TED’s Talks are a great free source of content. You don’t necessarily have to “watch” content. Listening during your workout, your workday, or during your commute.

“If you’re a successful Local Agent or Small Business Owner you are a life-learner.” (Click to Tweet)

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Insurance Thought Leaders In The Digital Space – Jason Cass (JDC Insurance Group & DIMA)


Are you just getting started in Insurance Content Creation? Do you secretly worry you may be doing it wrong and it might come back to bite you? Enlisting a Digital Mentor can go a long way in helping you learn the ropes — which is why I am posting 7 Interviews with “Insurance Leaders in the Digital Space” each Monday (Jun 16 – July 28).


We continue our series with a Insurance Thought Leader who has:

  • Has his own agency
  • Serves as a consultant to several other local agents
  • Has co-founded a Digital Marketing Academy for Insurance Professional
  • And has a wealth of experience with all things Digital Marketing


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